28 July, 2011

techno fan \m/

I never knew I was a techno fan. LOL. Yes, aku punya bakat buat jadi party-goers, ter,ms and conditions applied mampus. Semalem akhirnya berjoget ria di lantai dansa Blowfish, City Plaza, Gatot Subroto Jakarta. “Titis clubbing? Nggak salah?!” itu reaksi beberapa temen yg tau aku gak suka pergi dugem, tapi semalem (27 Juli 2011) kasusnya beda. Gimana enggak, oom Gildas Loaec yang dateng, sama Moonlight Matters & Punks Jump Up, bawa Kitsune Club Night ke Jakarta.

Gildas Loaec itu adalah foundernya Kitsune Label, yang juga meng-kurasi single-single yang akan masuk dalam kompilasi Maison Kitsune, atau seri mixtapenya. Gildas dulunya art directornya Daft Punk –hiiaahh keren ya? Kitsune sendiri sudah menemukan the amazingly Two Door Cinema Club, Is Tropical, Logo, bahkan The Drums juga masuk ke daftar kompilasinya. Belum lagi remixan edgy yang nggak norak *menurut aku ya* kaya’ Kitsune x Ponystep, atau yg paling gres Gildas’ Kitsune Club Night mixtape.. subhanawloh sekali permirsah!

Jam 11 kurang lima *malem pastinya* aku sudah nyampe di Blowfish, serasa nostalgia nonton The Drums, cuma nggak ada geng nge-gigsnya ini. Janjian dengan Dennis, yang akan memindahtangankan undangan VIP, thanks to the kind man @Mangmoty. Di depan venue ketemu Jaka, man behind JW86 – the famous chiptune guy.. jam 12an lah si Moonlight Matters mulai di DJ deck.. beat santai, crowds masih duduk2 manis merokok minum ngobrol sambil goyangin kepala. Aku juga ngga inget sih, abis itu ngapain LOL.. pokoknya pas Moonlight mainin remixan Is Tropicalnya langsung lah crowds maju ke depan, mulai rame. Moonlight Matters masih mainin DJ decks sampe setengah jam ke depan lah.. abis itu udah aja tau-tau Gildas Loaec spinning. Sumpah nggak mabuk, tapi ngantuk, plus ndeso nggak ngeh.

Gildas mainin TDCC – I can talk, ada juga Liztomania Phoenix, Yelle – safari disco club.. yang aku tunggu-tunggu juga main Happy Housenya Shindu.. tapi cm filling loop dikit! Seneng deh bisa nyanyi, sementara ada mas-mas ngaplo sebelahku.. ihh nggak tau lagunya ya mas? Abis itu aku malah brasa rada ‘turun’ moodnya meskipun beat nya tetep up. Thanks to illusions sehingga aku mampu maintain the excitement. LOL. Abis itu juga aku ngga tau, tiba-tiba aja udah punks jump up.. sempet ngrasa “yah segitu doang Gildasnya..” banyak lagu-lagu yg tak arepin muncul, tapi ngga ada.. huh..

Ternyata tapi yah, Punks Jump Up lebih asik moodnya.. mainin lagu2 dia sendiri, trus remixan Lykke Li – follow rivers, La Roux – in for the kill, Crystal Castles juga.. omg.. nongkrong aku di depan DJ decks.. sampe buyar! Gimana ya, anak gigs, loncat2 berjam2 juga kuat, cuma jogedan aja sih bisa banget! \m/ malem itu dapet 1 t-shirt sak welase dari mba Chika Brand Managernya Blowfish & Gildas, sama 1 t-shirt official Punks Jump Up langsung dari beliau berdua..

Bisa juga aku having fun in the club, ampunilah saya ternyata saya suka musik electric berdentum keras.. bukan cuma di earphone, atau speaker rumah, atau mobil, but a whole world <3

the t-shirt

moonlight matters

punks jump up

22 July, 2011

heal myself

Tell me all the things that you thought weren't right about me and my life

Tell me there's a way that i can shake this frown and see clear through your sight

I never wanted anyone to say that i had let myself cry by your side

Please don't leave me lonely tell me all the ways to make myself right in your eyes

I try to heal myself
And turn around cuz someone elseBut i can never be myself so fuck you.

words by Cults
photo by Titisari Raharjo - 2011

06 July, 2011

best boy friends

Do you have a best boy friend, best from the best, until you think that they are your brother? Well I do. I know these 2 men, let me introduce you, Aiman Akbar and Hanggara Hardiansyah a.k.a Bowo. We went to the same highschool, with Bowo I even went to the same junior high, high school, and same college. When some people said don’t believe to friendship with opposite sex, because it will drag you to a complicated relationship including love. Me with them? Well yes I love them, off course, no doubt, till I could not accept if any girls hurt them. Yes possesive like a mother to her sons.

I also thought I have fallen in love with him (only one of them LOL) in the past, and imagined if I were his girlfriend, but again, the feeling is not the same with the love and lust game with my lovers. I don’t have lust towards these 2 guys. Very true. I never imagined I would do bed scene with one of them. Yuck. Then I know, I do believe in female-male friendship.

We have been together since 2001. Yes it’s been 10 years now. So funny watching each other grew up, fell in love, teenage quarells, move out the city, struggling over the college stuffs, and now we are the grown ups. A decade of life. Ah ok, I think I need to shed my tears now. We keep going together though we live in different cities now.

Bowo, last weekend he got married in Jogjakarta. Yes married, he is the very first from all of us. *laughing* we are old enough to get married now.. me, could hardly believe it. The feeling was so absurd. The person you know since junior high. Since he was a lil boy, now become a man who would start his own fam. Wow!

I was really prepared if I would cry during the wedding ceremony. I just could not hold my tears saw Aiman and Bowo hug each other, a bear hug. Two guys I really love.. congratulations dear.. wish we stay like this forever..

Aiman & Bowo. Jogja July 3, 2011.

we all love OASIS, i cry singing this song.. epic!